SEP 21, 2021
12:00 PM CDT
Few topics are more intimate and ethically complex for case managers than engaging with patients around end of life processes. The importance of this issue has been highlighted by evolving issues, from legislation and reimbursement, to the latest dimensions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Organizational mandates intersect with professional ethical codes yielding a fresh generation of ethical dilemmas for case managers to reconcile.
Citing the latest industry literature, regulations, ethical codes, and practice guidelines this unique presentation will provide attendees a comprehensive view of the evolving end of life care landscape. Emphasis will also be on a template to guide assessment of, and intervention with end of life situations across the developmental life span
Behavioral Learning Objectives are:
1. Discuss four (4) issues to influence the evolution of end of life care
2. Identify legal documentation associated with care decision-making
3. Identify related cultural implications across populations
4. Explore the ethical implications of EOL care amid the COVID-19 pandemic
5. Discuss how end of life care can pose ethical pitfalls for case managers
6. Implement the Intergenerational Spectrum toward patient (family) engagement during EOL care
7. Align EOL care to case management’s professionals ethical standards of practice and codes
Ellen Fink-Samnick MSW, ACSW, LCSW, CCM, CCTP, CHMIMP, CRP, DBH(s)
Ellen Fink-Samnick is an award-winning industry thought leader who empowers healthcare's transdisciplinary workforce. She is subject matter expert on the Social Determinants of Health and Mental Health, Workplace Bullying and Violence, Professional Ethics, Professional Case Management Practice, and Wholistic Case Management™.
Her latest books include, The Essential Guide to Interprofessional Ethics for
Healthcare Case Management, The Social Determinants of Health: Case Management's Next
Frontier, End of Life Care for Case Management, and upcoming Social Determinants of Mental
Health: Advancing Wholistic Practice Excellence. Ellen is a panelist for Monitor Mondays, plus
contributor to RAC Monitor and ICD 10 Monitor. She serves as moderator of Ellen’s Ethical
Lens TM on LinkedIn, consultant for the Case Management Institute and moderator of their Case
Managers Community. Ellen is also Lead for Rise Association’s Social Determinants of Health
Ellen is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Board-certified Case Manager, Certified Clinical
Trauma Professional, Certified Mental Health Integrative Medicine Provider, and Certified
Rehabilitation Provider. She is a subject matter expert for Western Governors University, lead
clinical supervision trainer for NASW of Virginia, and adjunct faculty for University of Buffalo’s
School of Social Work, and George Mason University’s Department of Social Work. Ellen is also
a Doctor in Behavioral Health candidate at Cummings Graduate Institute of Behavioral Health
Ellen’s passion is evident across her varied roles as professional speaker, industry consultant,
educator, continuing education content developer, accreditation specialist, clinical social work
supervisor and professional mentor to the case management community. Her contributions
transverse the industry’s professional associations and credentialing organizations. A past
commissioner for the Commission for Case Manager Certification, and Chair of their Ethics and
Professional Conduct Committee, member of the Board of Directors for the Case Management
Society of America, Ellen serves on the editorial boards for the Professional Case Management
Journal, Case Management Monthly, and RAC Monitor. More detailed information is available on
her LinkedIn Profile.