NTOCC's Transitions of Care Evaluation SoftwareSM
NTOCC is excited about the upcoming launch of the Transitions of Care Evaluation SoftwareSM. Based around the original transitions of care (TOC) evaluation documents introduced in 2009, this web-based evaluation tool is for institutions ready to move to the next phase of their TOC quality improvement efforts.
The tool facilitates data entry, data analysis, and report generation in an easy-to-use format. Using the secure Internet website accessed through NTOCC’s homepage, users will be able to input and visualize their data over time. This resource is provided at no cost to the user.
TOC Evaluation Software Screenshots
Below are screen shots of the TOC Evaluation Software tool and reports users will be able to access.
NTOCC would like to acknowledge the work of the following individuals who dedicated their time and talents in developing this software:
H. Edward Davidson, PharmD, MPH, Partner — Insight Therapeutics, LLC
Lisa F. Han, MPH, Partner — Insight Therapeutics, LLC
John Giancola — Broaden IT